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BOMBSHELL: Drugs, Illegal Foods For Terrorists Allegedly Found On Seized Clinton Foundation Cargo Ship

hillary clinton

The Clinton Foundation cargo ship Chelsea was seized by US authorities at the Port of Baltimore yesterday’s morning morning and according to reports, drugs, illegal foods and unvetted refugees were found within an hour following an anonymous tip-off.

The Department of Homeland Security however took over the investigation and after a thorough search, determined that the ship, the captain and its crew have all been compromised and used for more than five years as a transportation and supply chain for a terrorist organization known as Jalal Lalaha.

According to local news platforms in the US, the terrorist group are well funded organisation that works with ISIS as well as Al Qaeda, providing logistical support and weapons used to kill Americans.

Meanwhile, the Clintons denied any knowledge of what happened aboard the ship.

The congressional committee investigating the family will be reportedly given full access to the ship and its records to investigate any personal links between the Clinton’s and the terrorists.

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