In the past few days, Nigerian voices have echoed across most part of the globe causing reactions from prominent persons across various Spheres of life, clamoring...
Thomas D. Jakes, bishop of Potter’s House, a mega church in the United States, has narrated how he traced his roots to Nigeria, where he has...
Pastor of The Potter’s House, Thomas Dexter Jakes Sr., known as T. D. Jakes believes in every relationship, one who expects to get must also be...
Renowned author, filmmaker and pastor of The Potter’s House, a non-denominational American megachurch, Thomas Dexter Jakes Sr., popularly known as TD Jakes says only broke people...
Bishop T.D. Jakes, founder of the Dallas megachurch The Potter’s House, and his wife Serita Jakes, are celebrating their 37 years wedding anniversary. The couple shared...