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Apple and Google Reportedly Copying Samsung’s Design for Upcoming Devices

Samsung has long been known for copying Apple’s designs for its smartphones with Apple even suing Samsung in an epic, multiyear legal battle over designs and alleged patent violations.


But now something unusual may be happening in the smartphone world: Apple and Google may be poised to copy Samsung’s smartphone designs, the Business insider reports.


Back in 2015, Samsung released the Samsung Galaxy S6; a premium phone and alongside it the S6 Edge; a sister device that featured a curved screen along the edges.


Based on its market success, it followed up with the S7 and the S7 Edge in 2016. Then last month, it announced the release of the S8 with its standard curved edge screen with more recent adjustments like the radically shrunken bezels at the top and bottom of the device so the front is almost nothing but OLED screen.


While the S8 hasn’t officially been released to the public; which is to be later this month, the initial hands-on reviews have been very positive, with the innovative design getting praise. And according to the latest rumors, it sounds as if both Apple and Google plan to copy that design in their coming flagship phones.


First off, Apple is expected to unveil a 10th-anniversary edition of the iPhone this autumn. The “iPhone 8” is rumored to be getting a major redesign include a curved screen hugely similar to that of the S8. And Google also is due to bring out the second version of its high-end Pixel phone later this year, with reports coming that it will most likely be getting a curved screen as well.


However, it noteworthy to mention that these remain as rumors and are not proven as confirmed features.


In a 132 paged document, Samsung detailed how it could make its phones better by making them resemble the iPhone much more closely. But this time around, Samsung is leading the way and Apple and Google are playing catch-up.

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